Witch on a broomstick, full moon

Sharing the Vision of CoG

Flying to the Sabbat from all points of the compass
to join in sharing  our harvests, laughter, joy, food, songs,
dancing in the moonlight, in nature, and by our hearths.

The coming together of witches
to see our many flavors
to circle hand in hand
joining our visions of our goddesses and gods
We need each other to know that while we dance at full moon
we are not alone celebrating the deep core of Gaia’s nature.
We feel one with her trees, the earth, the sky

By ourselves we are small but together we are strong
Our vision is one of help and support
in both hard times and celebration.
As a community we have many hands
Together we are strong, holding hands in our circle.
We are not alone.
This is our vision – of family and allies.
(by Glenn Turner)