Northern California Local Council

Covenant of the Goddess

NCLC is a volunteer-run Local Council of the Covenant of the Goddess. We invite Witches and Covens based in Northern and Central California, as well as adjacent areas of Oregon and Nevada, to join us. NCLC cooperates with Pagans, Witches, and Wiccans of our region to celebrate community rituals and rites of passage, host public events, foster communication, and support projects reflecting our shared values. NCLC is active in the interfaith organizations of the San Francisco Bay Area.

As an NCLC Member, you can . . .

  • Connect with other Witches in your area and other parts of the US and Canada
  • Be as public or private as you wish
  • Have a say in who speaks for Witches and the Craft
  • Obtain clergy credentials based on the particular requirements of your tradition
  • Join with other Witches to do projects
  • Create community rituals in partnership
  • Participate in governing the Covenant of the Goddess